In this historical fiction novel, the author follows several young women from their civilian lives in various cities in pre-WWI America, through their training, and into France where they connect the calls that helped the Allies win the war. While much of the story takes place “over there”, the women, as well as all of Read More
Tag: World War I
The Great Influenza, by John M Barry
This is a book not only about the influenza in 1918, its impact on America and the world in a time of war, but also about the men (and a few women!) who were trying desperately to stop it. The first part of book is actually more of a history of the development of modern Read More
A Front Page Affair, by Radha Vatsal
This is the first of two books, at least so far, about a wealthy young woman trying to become a reporter in New York City right as the US is deciding to enter WWI. I said “at least so far” because these are described as a “series”, and I think you need more than two Read More