
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

I had not previously read this book, but I am glad that I finally did. You definitely see why it is considered “Literature”, but it is also a powerful story, with unique, imperfect characters. In some ways, I can’t say I really related to any of them, but you do understand their motivations. I have Read More

The First Conspiracy, by Brad Meltzer & Josh Mensch

This subtitle of this book is: The Secret Plot to Kill George Washington. And while no one who knows anything at all about American history knows the plot did not succeed, who even knew there was a plot? In fact, that seems to be why the author wrote the book in the first place. Meltzer Read More

Last Call, The Rise and Fall of Prohibition by Daniel Okrent

I thought I knew enough about Prohibition, which lasted from 1920 to 1933. I’d heard of Carry Nation, bathtub gin, and bootlegging. But this book is a detailed look not just at the time period between the passage of the Eighteenth and Twenty-First Amendments, but also what led up the passage of each. Okrent also Read More